Determining key spin-orbitronic parameters by means of propagating spin waves

Abstract in English

We characterize spin wave propagation and its modification by an electrical current in Permalloy(Py)/Pt bilayers with Py thickness between 4 and 20 nm. First, we analyze the frequency non-reciprocity of surface spin waves and extract from it the interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction constant $D_s$ accounting for an additional contribution due to asymmetric surface anisotropies. Second, we measure the spin-wave relaxation rate and deduce from it the Py/Pt spin mixing conductance $g^{uparrowdownarrow}_{eff}$. Last, applying a textit{dc} electrical current, we extract the spin Hall conductivity $sigma_{SH}$ from the change of spin wave relaxation rate due to the spin-Hall spin transfer torque. We obtain a consistent picture of the spin wave propagation data for different film thicknesses using a single set of parameters $D_s=0.25$ pJ/m, $g^{uparrowdownarrow}_{eff} = 3.2times 10^{19}$ m$^{-2}$ and $sigma_{SH}=4times10^{5}$ S/m.
