Volume and enthalpy relaxation of glasses after a sudden temperature change has been extensively studied since Kovacs seminal work. One observes an asymmetric approach to equilibrium upon cooling versus heating and, more counter-intuitively, the expansion gap paradox, i.e. a dependence on the initial temperature of the effective relaxation time even close to equilibrium when heating. Here we show that a distinguishable-particles lattice model can capture both the asymmetry and the expansion gap. We quantitatively characterize the energetic states of the particles configurations using a physical realization of the fictive temperature called the structural temperature, which, in the heating case, displays a strong spatial heterogeneity. The system relaxes by nucleation and expansion of warmer mobile domains having attained the final temperature, against cooler immobile domains maintained at the initial temperature. A small population of these cooler regions persists close to equilibrium, thus explaining the paradox.