Mossbauer Spectroscopic Study of Amorphous Fe-Gluconate

Abstract in English

Amorphous Fe-gluconate was studied by means of the X-ray diffraction and Mossbauer spectroscopy. Spectra measured in the temperature range between 78 and 295 K were analysed in terms of three doublets using a thin absorber approximation method. Two of the doublets were associated with the major Fe(II) phase (72%) and one with the minor Fe(III) phase (28%). Based on the obtained results the following quantities characteristic of lattice dynamical properties were determined: Debye temperature from the temperature dependence of the center shift and that of the spectral area (recoil-free factor), force constant, change of the kinetic and potential energies of vibrations. The lattice vibrations of Fe ions present in both ferrous and ferric phases are not perfectly harmonic, yet on average they are. Similarities and differences to the crystalline Fe-gluconate are also reported.
