Breaking the dichotomy between typical and anomalous globular clusters: the case of NGC 3201

Abstract in English

We recently discovered that NGC 3201 has characteristics that set it outside the current twofold classification scheme for Galactic globular clusters (GCs). Most GCs are mono-metallic and show light-element abundance variations (e.g., Na-O and C-N anti-correlations); but a minority of clusters also present variations in Fe correlating with s-process element and C+N+O abundances, and they possess multiple C-N sequences. These anomalous GCs also have a broad sub-giant branch (SGB) and follow the same mass-size relation as dwarf galaxies possibly evolving into GCs. We now revealed that NGC 3201 belongs to neither group. It has multiple C-N sequences, but no broad SGB, no strong evidence of a Fe-spread, and it does not follow the mass-size relation.
