High-field moment polarization in the itinerant ferromagnet URhSi

Abstract in English

We report a high-magnetic-field study of the itinerant ferromagnet URhSi. Magnetization and electrical resistivity were measured under magnetic fields $mu_0H$ up to 58~T applied along the directions $mathbf{a}$, $mathbf{b}$, and $mathbf{c}$ of the orthorhombic structure and temperatures $T$ ranging from 1.5 to 50 K. For $mathbf{H}parallelmathbf{b}$, pseudo-metamagnetism at $mu_0H_msimeq30-40$~T is associated with a broad step in the magnetization and a maximum in the resistivity. The properties of URhSi are discussed and compared with those of the isostructural superconducting ferromagnets URhGe and UCoGe and of the superconducting paramagnet UTe$_2$.
