Strain tunable single-photon source based on a quantum dot-micropillar system

Abstract in English

Scalable quantum photonic architectures demand highly efficient, high-purity single-photon sources, which can be frequency matched via external tuning. We demonstrate a single-photon source based on an InAs quantum dot embedded in a micropillar resonator, which is frequency tunable via externally-applied stress. Our platform combines the advantages of a Bragg micropillar cavity and the piezo-strain-tuning technique enabling single photon spontaneous emission enhancement via the Purcell effect and quantum dot (QD) with tunable wavelength. Our optomechanical platform has been implemented by integration of semiconductor-based QD-micropillars on a piezoelectric substrate. The fabricated device exhibits spontaneous emission enhancement with a Purcell factor of 4.4$pm$0.7 and allows for a pure triggered single-photon generation with $g^{(2)}(0)$ < 0.07 under resonant excitation. A quantum dot emission energy tuning range of 0.75 meV for 27 kV/cm applied to the piezo substrate has been achieved. Our results pave the way towards the scalable implementation of single-photon quantum photonic technologies using optoelectronic devices.
