Experimental 11-dimensional secret sharing with Perfect Vortex beams

Abstract in English

Secret sharing is the art of securely sharing information between more than two people in such a way that its reconstruction requires the collaboration of a certain number of parties. Entanglement-based secret sharing schemes which utilise multi-particle entanglement are limited by their scalability. Recently, a high-dimensional single photon secret sharing protocol was proposed which has impressive advantages in scalability. However, the experimental realisation of this protocol remains elusive. Here, by taking advantage of the high-dimensional Hilbert space for orbital angular momentum and using Perfect Vortex beams as their carriers, we present a proof-of-principle implementation of a high-dimensional single photon quantum secret sharing scheme. We experimentally implemented this scheme for 10 participants in $d=11$ dimensions and show how it can be easily scaled to higher dimensions and any number of participants.
