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A quantum system interacting with a dilute gas experiences irreversible dynamics. The corresponding master equation can be derived within two different approaches: The fully quantum description in the low-density limit and the semiclassical collision model, where the motion of gas particles is classical whereas their internal degrees of freedom are quantum. The two approaches have been extensively studied in the literature, but their predictions have not been compared. This is mainly due to the fact that the low-density limit is extensively studied for mathematical physics purposes, whereas the collision models have been essentially developed for quantum information tasks such as a tractable description of the open quantum dynamics. Here we develop and for the first time compare both approaches for a spin system interacting with a gas of spin particles. Using some approximations, we explicitly find the corresponding master equations including the Lamb shifts and the dissipators. The low density limit in the Born approximation for fast particles is shown to be equivalent to the semiclassical collision model in the stroboscopic approximation. We reveal that both approaches give exactly the same master equation if the gas temperature is high enough. This allows to interchangeably use complicated calculations in the low density limit and rather simple calculations in the collision model.
We consider a repeated quantum interaction model describing a small system $Hh_S$ in interaction with each one of the identical copies of the chain $bigotimes_{N^*}C^{n+1}$, modeling a heat bath, one after another during the same short time intervals $[0,h]$. We suppose that the repeated quantum interaction Hamiltonian is split in two parts: a free part and an interaction part with time scale of order $h$. After giving the GNS representation, we establish the relation between the time scale $h$ and the classical low density limit. We introduce a chemical potential $mu$ related to the time $h$ as follows: $h^2=e^{betamu}$. We further prove that the solution of the associated discrete evolution equation converges strongly, when $h$ tends to 0, to the unitary solution of a quantum Langevin equation directed by Poisson processes.
We evaluate the variance of coefficients of the characteristic polynomial of the quantum evolution operator for chaotic 4-regular quantum graphs (networks) via periodic orbits without taking the semiclassical limit. The variance of the n-th coefficient is precisely determined by the number of primitive pseudo orbits (sets of distinct primitive periodic orbits) with n bonds that fall in the following classes: those with no self-intersections, and those where all the self-intersections consist of two sections of the pseudo orbit crossing at a single vertex (2-encounters of length zero).
We show how random unitary dynamics arise from the coupling of an open quantum system to a static environment. Subsequently, we derive a master equation for the reduced system random unitary dynamics and study three specific cases: commuting system and interaction Hamiltonians, the short-time limit, and the Markov approximation.
We demonstrate that the (s-wave) geometric spectrum of the Efimov energy levels in the unitary limit is generated by the radial motion of a primitive periodic orbit (and its harmonics) of the corresponding classical system. The action of the primitive orbit depends logarithmically on the energy. It is shown to be consistent with an inverse-squared radial potential with a lower cut-off radius. The lowest-order WKB quantization, including the Langer correction, is shown to reproduce the geometric scaling of the energy spectrum. The (WKB) mean-squared radii of the Efimov states scale geometrically like the inverse of their energies. The WKB wavefunctions, regularized near the classical turning point by Langers generalized connection formula, are practically indistinguishable from the exact wave functions even for the lowest ($n=0$) state, apart from a tiny shift of its zeros that remains constant for large $n$.
In the present article, we consistently develop the main issues of the Bloch vectors formalism for an arbitrary finite-dimensional quantum system. In the frame of this formalism, qudit states and their evolution in time, qudit observables and their expectations, entanglement and nonlocality, etc. are expressed in terms of the Bloch vectors -- the vectors in the Euclidean space $mathbb{R}^{d^{2}-1}$ arising under decompositions of observables and states in different operator bases. Within this formalism, we specify for all $dgeq2$ the set of Bloch vectors of traceless qudit observables and describe its properties; also, find for the sets of the Bloch vectors of qudit states, pure and mixed, the new compact expressions in terms of the operator norms that explicitly reveal the general properties of these sets and have the unified form for all $dgeq2$. For the sets of the Bloch vectors of qudit states under the generalized Gell-Mann representation, these general properties cannot be analytically extracted from the known equivalent specifications of these sets via the system of algebraic equations. We derive the general equations describing the time evolution of the Bloch vector of a qudit state if a qudit system is isolated and if it is open and find for both cases the main properties of the Bloch vector evolution in time. For a pure bipartite state of a dimension $d_{1}times d_{2}$, we quantify its entanglement in terms of the Bloch vectors for its reduced states. The introduced general formalism is important both for the theoretical analysis of quantum system properties and for quantum applications, in particular, for optimal quantum control, since, for systems where states are described by vectors in the Euclidean space, the methods of optimal control, analytical and numerical, are well developed.