Average Transverse Momenta of Hadrons at LHC Energy 7 TeV vs. Masses and Heavy Neutral Hadron States

Abstract in English

This paper examines the transverse momentum spectra of hadrons in the multiparticle production at LHC in the framework of the Quark-Gluon String Model (QGSM). It discusses the dependence of average pt on the masses of mesons and baryons at the LHC energy 7 TeV. The QGSM description of the experimental spectra of various hadrons led to the number of conclusions. I. The average transverse momenta of baryons and mesons are growing with the hadron mass and for beauty hadrons, they are almost equal to the mass. II. By the product of research, a regularity has been detected in the mass gaps between hadron generations. This hypothesis suggests some hidden symmetrical (neither-meson-nor-baryon) neutral hadron states with the masses: 0.251,0.682,1.85,5.04,13.7,37.2,101.,275.,748.... GeV, which is produced by geometrical progression with the mass factor of order delta(ln M)=1. III. The baryon-meson symmetry seems broken until the mass of beauty hadrons, then the hidden states should be more and more stable with the growth of the mass, so the suggested sequence of hadronic states is a proper candidate for the Dark Matter that, you know, contributes the valuable part to the mass of Universe. The growing average transverse momenta are extrapolated with a similar function, as for energy dependence of average baryon pt, < pt > ~ M**0.1.
