On localized signature and higher rho invariant of fibered manifolds

Abstract in English

Higher index of signature operator is a far reaching generalization of signature of a closed oriented manifold. When two closed oriented manifolds are homotopy equivalent, one can define a secondary invariant of the relative signature operator called higher rho invariant. The higher rho invariant detects the topological nonrigidity of a manifold. In this paper, we prove product formulas for higher index and higher rho invariant of signature operator on fibered manifolds. Our result implies the classical product formula for numerical signature of fiber manifolds obtained by Chern, Hirzebruch, and Serre in On the index of a fibered manifold. We also give a new proof of the product formula for higher rho invariant of signature operator on product manifolds, which is parallel to the product formula for higher rho invariant of Dirac operator on product manifolds obtained by Xie and Yu in Positive scalar curvature, higher rho invariants and localization algebras and Zeidler in Positive scalar curvature and product formulas for secondary index invariants.
