Design and Optimization of Ellipsoid Scatterer-based Metasurfaces via the Inverse T-Matrix Method

Abstract in English

Large-area metasurfaces composed of discrete wavelength-scale scatterers present an extremely large number of degrees of freedom to engineer an optical element. These degrees of freedom provide tremendous design flexibility, and a central challenge in metasurface design is how to optimally leverage these degrees of freedom towards a desired optical function. Inverse design can be used to explore non-intuitive design space for metasurfaces. We report an inverse design method exploiting T-Matrix scattering of ellipsoidal scatterer based metasurfaces. Multifunctional, polarization multiplexed metasurfaces were designed using this approach. Finally, we apply this method to optimize the efficiency of an existing high numerical aperture (0.83)metalens design, and report an increase in efficiency from 26% to 32%
