Scalar curvature and harmonic maps to $S^1$

Abstract in English

For a harmonic map $u:M^3to S^1$ on a closed, oriented $3$--manifold, we establish the identity $$2pi int_{thetain S^1}chi(Sigma_{theta})geq frac{1}{2}int_{thetain S^1}int_{Sigma_{theta}}(|du|^{-2}|Hess(u)|^2+R_M)$$ relating the scalar curvature $R_M$ of $M$ to the average Euler characteristic of the level sets $Sigma_{theta}=u^{-1}{theta}$. As our primary application, we extend the Kronheimer--Mrowka characterization of the Thurston norm on $H_2(M;mathbb{Z})$ in terms of $|R_M^-|_{L^2}$ and the harmonic norm to any closed $3$--manifold containing no nonseparating spheres. Additional corollaries include the Bray--Brendle--Neves rigidity theorem for the systolic inequality $(min R_M)sys_2(M)leq 8pi$, and the well--known result of Schoen and Yau that $T^3$ admits no metric of positive scalar curvature.
