Saturns south polar cloud composition and structure inferred from 2006 Cassini/VIMS spectra and ISS images

Abstract in English

We used 0.85 - 5.1 micron 2006 observations by Cassinis Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) to constrain the unusual vertical structure and compositions of cloud layers in Saturns south polar region, the site of a powerful vortex circulation, shadow-casting cloud bands, and spectral evidence of ammonia ice clouds without the lightning usually associated with such features. We modeled spectral observations with a 4-layer model that includes (1) a stratospheric haze, (2) a top tropospheric layer of non-absorbing (possibly diphosphine) particles near 300 mbar, with a fraction of an optical depth (much less than found elsewhere on Saturn), (3) a moderately thicker layer (1 - 2 optical depths) of ammonia ice particles near 900 mbar, and (4) extending from 5 bars up to 2-4 bars, an assumed optically thick layer where NH4SH and H20 are likely condensables. What makes the 3-micron absorption of ammonia ice unexpectedly apparent in these polar clouds, is not penetrating convection, but instead the relatively low optical depth of the top tropospheric cloud layer, perhaps because of polar downwelling and/or lower photochemical production rates. We did not find any evidence for optically thick eyewalls that were previously thought to be responsible for the observed shadows. Instead, we found evidence for small step-wise decreases in optical depth of the stratospheric haze near 87.9 deg S and in the putative diphosphine layer near 88.9 deg S, which are the likely causes of shadows and bright features we call antishadows. We found changes as a function of latitude in the phosphine vertical profile and in the arsine mixing ratio that support the existence of downwelling within 2 deg of the pole.
