Finite irreducible conformal modules over the extended Block type Lie conformal algebra $mathfrak{B}(alpha,beta,p)$

Abstract in English

In this paper, we introduce a class of infinite Lie conformal algebras $mathfrak{B}(alpha,beta,p)$, which are the semi-direct sums of Block type Lie conformal algebra $mathfrak{B}(p)$ and its non-trivial conformal modules of $Z$-graded free intermediate series. The annihilation algebras are a class of infinite-dimensional Lie algebras, which include a lot of interesting subalgebras: Virasoro algebra, Block type Lie algebra, twisted Heisenberg-Virasoro algebra and so on. We give a complete classification of all finite non-trivial irreducible conformal modules of $mathfrak{B}(alpha,beta,p)$ for $alpha,betainC, pinC^*$. As an application, the classifications of finite irreducible conformal modules over a series of finite Lie conformal algebras $mathfrak{b}(n)$ for $ngeq1$ are given.
