Driven quantum dot coupled to a fractional quantum Hall edge

Abstract in English

We study a model of a quantum dot coupled to a quantum Hall edge of the Laughlin state, taking into account short-range interactions between the dot and the edge. This system has been studied experimentally in electron quantum optics in the context of single particle sources. We consider driving the dot out of equilibrium by a time-dependent bias voltage. We calculate the resulting current on the edge by applying the Kubo formula to the bosonized Hamiltonian. The Hamiltonian of this system can also be mapped to the spin-boson model and in this picture, the current can be perturbatively calculated using the non-interacting blip approximation (NIBA). We show that both methods of solution are in fact equivalent. We present numerics demonstrating that the perturbative approaches capture the essential physics at early times, although they fail to capture the charge quantization (or lack thereof) in the current pulses integrated over long times.
