Astro2020 APC White Paper: Collaboration with Integrity: Indigenous Knowledge in 21st Century Astronomy

Abstract in English

As the oldest science common to all human cultures, astronomy has a unique connection to indigenous knowledge (IK) and the long history of indigenous scientific contributions. Many STEM disciplines, agencies and institutions have begun to do the work of recruiting and retaining underrepresented minorities, including indigenous, Native American and Native Hawaiian professionals. However, with the expansion of telescope facilities on sacred tribal or indigenous lands in recent decades, and the current urgency of global crises related to climate, food/water sovereignty and the future of humanity, science and astronomy have the opportunity more than ever to partner with indigenous communities and respect the wealth of sustainable practices and solutions inherently present in IK. We share a number of highly successful current initiatives that point the way to a successful model of collaboration with integrity between western and indigenous scholars. Such models deserve serious consideration for sustained funding at local and institutional levels. We also share six key recommendations for funding agencies that we believe will be important first steps for nonindigenous institutions to fully dialog and partner with indigenous communities and IK to build together towards a more inclusive, sustainable and empowering scientific enterprise.
