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Fast Fourier Color Constancy and Grayness Index for ISPA Illumination Estimation Challenge

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 Added by Yanlin Qian
 Publication date 2019
and research's language is English

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We briefly introduce two submissions to the Illumination Estimation Challenge, in the Intl Workshop on Color Vision, affiliated to the 11th Intl Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis. The Fourier-transform-based submission is ranked 3rd, and the statistical Gray-pixel-based one ranked 6th.

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We present Fast Fourier Color Constancy (FFCC), a color constancy algorithm which solves illuminant estimation by reducing it to a spatial localization task on a torus. By operating in the frequency domain, FFCC produces lower error rates than the previous state-of-the-art by 13-20% while being 250-3000 times faster. This unconventional approach introduces challenges regarding aliasing, directional statistics, and preconditioning, which we address. By producing a complete posterior distribution over illuminants instead of a single illuminant estimate, FFCC enables better training techniques, an effective temporal smoothing technique, and richer methods for error analysis. Our implementation of FFCC runs at ~700 frames per second on a mobile device, allowing it to be used as an accurate, real-time, temporally-coherent automatic white balance algorithm.
We review the AIM 2020 challenge on virtual image relighting and illumination estimation. This paper presents the novel VIDIT dataset used in the challenge and the different proposed solutions and final evaluation results over the 3 challenge tracks. The first track considered one-to-one relighting; the objective was to relight an input photo of a scene with a different color temperature and illuminant orientation (i.e., light source position). The goal of the second track was to estimate illumination settings, namely the color temperature and orientation, from a given image. Lastly, the third track dealt with any-to-any relighting, thus a generalization of the first track. The target color temperature and orientation, rather than being pre-determined, are instead given by a guide image. Participants were allowed to make use of their track 1 and 2 solutions for track 3. The tracks had 94, 52, and 56 registered participants, respectively, leading to 20 confirmed submissions in the final competition stage.
In this paper, we propose a novel color constancy approach, called Bag of Color Features (BoCF), building upon Bag-of-Features pooling. The proposed method substantially reduces the number of parameters needed for illumination estimation. At the same time, the proposed method is consistent with the color constancy assumption stating that global spatial information is not relevant for illumination estimation and local information ( edges, etc.) is sufficient. Furthermore, BoCF is consistent with color constancy statistical approaches and can be interpreted as a learning-based generalization of many statistical approaches. To further improve the illumination estimation accuracy, we propose a novel attention mechanism for the BoCF model with two variants based on self-attention. BoCF approach and its variants achieve competitive, compared to the state of the art, results while requiring much fewer parameters on three benchmark datasets: ColorChecker RECommended, INTEL-TUT version 2, and NUS8.
In this paper, we propose a novel unsupervised color constancy method, called Probabilistic Color Constancy (PCC). We define a framework for estimating the illumination of a scene by weighting the contribution of different image regions using a graph-based representation of the image. To estimate the weight of each (super-)pixel, we rely on two assumptions: (Super-)pixels with similar colors contribute similarly and darker (super-)pixels contribute less. The resulting system has one global optimum solution. The proposed method achieves competitive performance, compared to the state-of-the-art, on INTEL-TAU dataset.
Temporal Color Constancy (CC) is a recently proposed approach that challenges the conventional single-frame color constancy. The conventional approach is to use a single frame - shot frame - to estimate the scene illumination color. In temporal CC, multiple frames from the view finder sequence are used to estimate the color. However, there are no realistic large scale temporal color constancy datasets for method evaluation. In this work, a new temporal CC benchmark is introduced. The benchmark comprises of (1) 600 real-world sequences recorded with a high-resolution mobile phone camera, (2) a fixed train-test split which ensures consistent evaluation, and (3) a baseline method which achieves high accuracy in the new benchmark and the dataset used in previous works. Results for more than 20 well-known color constancy methods including the recent state-of-the-arts are reported in our experiments.
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