Nonperturbative Dynamics of Hadronic Collisions

Abstract in English

In the last couple of years, the LHC has released precise measurements of elastic proton-proton scattering which has become an important guide in the search for selecting phenomenological models and theoretical approaches to understand, in a deeper level, the theory of strong interactions. In this thesis, through the formulation of two models compatible with analyticity and unitarity constraints, we study some aspects concerning the Physics behind hadronic interactions. In particular, we investigate the proton-proton and the antiproton-proton elastic scattering at high energies using a Regge theory-based model, where the increase of the total cross section is attributed to the exchange of a colorless state having the quantum numbers of the vacuum, and using a model based on the Quantum-Chromodynamics-improved parton model, where the increase of the total cross section is in turn associated with semihard scatterings of partons in the hadrons.
