Are there broad absorption-line blazars?

Abstract in English

We report the first systematic search for blazars among broad-absorption-line (BAL) quasars. This is based on our intranight optical monitoring of a well-defined sample of 10 candidates selected on the criteria of a flat spectrum and an abnormally high linear polarization at radio wavelengths. A small population of BAL blazars can be expected in the polar model of BAL quasars. However, no such case is found, since none of our 30 monitoring sessions devoted to the 10 candidates yielded a positive detection of intra-night optical variability (INOV), which is uncharacteristic of blazars. This lack of INOV detection contrasts with the high duty cycle of INOV observed for a comparison sample of 15 normal (i.e., non-BAL) blazars. Some possible implications of this are pointed out.
