Machine-learning-assisted thin-film growth: Bayesian optimization in molecular beam epitaxy of SrRuO3 thin films

Abstract in English

Materials informatics exploiting machine learning techniques, e.g., Bayesian optimization (BO), has the potential to offer high-throughput optimization of thin-film growth conditions through incremental updates of machine learning models in accordance with newly measured data. Here, we demonstrated BO-based molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) of SrRuO3, one of the most-intensively studied materials in the research field of oxide electronics, mainly owing to its unique nature as a ferromagnetic metal. To simplify the intricate search space of entangled growth conditions, we ran the BO for a single condition while keeping the other conditions fixed. As a result, high-crystalline-quality SrRuO3 film exhibiting a high residual resistivity ratio (RRR) of over 50 as well as strong perpendicular magnetic anisotropy was developed in only 24 MBE growth runs in which the Ru flux rate, growth temperature, and O3-nozzle-to-substrate distance were optimized. Our BO-based search method provides an efficient experimental design that is not as dependent on the experience and skills of individual researchers, and it reduces experimental time and cost, which will accelerate materials research.
