A Fast Minimum Degree Algorithm and Matching Lower Bound

Abstract in English

The minimum degree algorithm is one of the most widely-used heuristics for reducing the cost of solving large sparse systems of linear equations. It has been studied for nearly half a century and has a rich history of bridging techniques from data structures, graph algorithms, and scientific computing. In this paper, we present a simple but novel combinatorial algorithm for computing an exact minimum degree elimination ordering in $O(nm)$ time, which improves on the best known time complexity of $O(n^3)$ and offers practical improvements for sparse systems with small values of $m$. Our approach leverages a careful amortized analysis, which also allows us to derive output-sensitive bounds for the running time of $O(min{msqrt{m^+}, Delta m^+} log n)$, where $m^+$ is the number of unique fill edges and original edges that the algorithm encounters and $Delta$ is the maximum degree of the input graph. Furthermore, we show there cannot exist an exact minimum degree algorithm that runs in $O(nm^{1-varepsilon})$ time, for any $varepsilon > 0$, assuming the strong exponential time hypothesis. This fine-grained reduction goes through the orthogonal vectors problem and uses a new low-degree graph construction called $U$-fillers, which act as pathological inputs and cause any minimum degree algorithm to exhibit nearly worst-case performance. With these two results, we nearly characterize the time complexity of computing an exact minimum degree ordering.
