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This paper is concerned with the performance optimisation of an stereoscopic array of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes (IACTs) as a function of their positioning on the ground. In this first work we are concerned primarily with the study of the optimisation method and its test on toy arrays of few (3-6) telescopes. The ideas presented here were developed to investigate alternative ways of studying IACT array geometries. The proposal is an attempt to cover more exhaustively and systematically the parameter space involved in the design of a stereoscopic IACT array, aiming to develop a support tool for directing the computationally expensive Monte Carlo simulations commonly used in the field. The methodology presented here involves a modelling step (in our case a simplified, heuristic IACT array model) and the implementation of an evolutionary algorithm for the geometric optimisation. In this initial work, the heuristic model and the optimisation algorithm are presented, but no detailed Monte Carlo validation is presented yet. The techniques used here may have potential applications in other optimization problems in the field of Gamma Ray Astronomy.
We have conceived and implemented a multi-objective genetic algorithm (GA) code for the optimisation of an array of Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (IACTs). The algorithm takes as input a series of cost functions (metrics) each describing a different objetive of the optimisation (such as effective area, angular resolution, etc.), all of which are expressed in terms of the relative position of the telescopes in the plane. The output of the algorithm is a family of geometrical arrangements which correspond to the complete set of solutions to the array optimisation problem, and differ from each other according to the relative weight given to each of the (maybe conflicting) objetives of the optimisation. Since the algorithm works with parallel optimisation it admits as many cost functions as desired, and can incorporate constraints such as budget (cost cap) for the array and topological limitations of the terrain, like geographical accidents where telescopes cannot be installed. It also admits different types of telescopes (hybrid arrays) and the number of telescopes of each type can be treated as a parameter to be optimised - constrained, for example, by the cost of each type or the energy range of interest. The purpose of the algorithm, which converges fast to optimised solutions (if compared to the time for a complete Monte Carlo Simulation of a single configuration), is to provide a tool to investigate the full parameter space of possible geometries, and help in designing complex arrays. It does not substitute a detailed Monte Carlo study, but aims to guide it. In the examples of arrays shown here we have used as metrics simple heuristic expressions describing the fundamentals of the IAC technique, but these input functions can be made as detailed or complex as desired for a given experiment.
The aim of the Yakutsk array enhancement project is to create an instrument to study the highest-energy galactic cosmic rays (CRs) -- their sources, energy spectrum, and mass composition. Additionally, there will be unique capabilities for investigations in the transition region between galactic and extragalactic components of CRs. Using the well-developed imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescope technique adapted to the energy region $E>10^{15}$ eV, we plan to measure the longitudinal structure parameters of the shower, e.g., angular and temporal distributions of the Cherenkov signal related to $X_{max}$ and the mass composition of CRs. The main advantages of the Yakutsk array, such as its multi-component measurements of extensive air showers, and model-independent CR energy estimation based on Cherenkov light measurements, will be inherited by the instrument to be created.
The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is the major next-generation observatory for ground-based very-high-energy gamma-ray astronomy. It will improve the sensitivity of current ground-based instruments by a factor of five to twenty, depending on the energy, greatly improving both their angular and energy resolutions over four decades in energy (from 20 GeV to 300 TeV). This achievement will be possible by using tens of imaging Cherenkov telescopes of three successive sizes. They will be arranged into two arrays, one per hemisphere, located on the La Palma island (Spain) and in Paranal (Chile). We present here the optimised and final telescope arrays for both CTA sites, as well as their foreseen performance, resulting from the analysis of three different large-scale Monte Carlo productions.
GAW is a path-finder experiment to test the feasibility of a new generation of Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes that join high flux sensitivity with large field of view capability using Fresnel lens, stereoscopic observational approach, and single photon counting mode. GAW is an array of three telescopes that will be erected at the Calar Alto Observatory site (Spain, 2150 m a.s.l.). To evaluate the performance of GAW, a consistent data--set has been simulated, including a Crab-like source observation, and a proper image analysis code has been developed, as described in this contribution. The expected performance of GAW are also reported, mainly for what concerns effective area, angular resolution, Cherenkov flux as function of the core distance, ability in the gamma/proton separation, and sensitivity. The first telescope realization, foreseen within the end of this year, will allow to verify if the parameters used in the analysis are in agreement with the real performance of the GAW apparatus.
The results of four recently introduced beamforming schemes for phased array systems are discussed, each of which is capable to provide high sensitivity and accurate polarimetric performance of array-based radio telescopes. Ideally, a radio polarimeter should recover the actual polarization state of the celestial source, and thus compensate for unwanted polarization degradation effects which are intrinsic to the instrument. In this paper, we compare the proposed beamforming schemes through an example of a practical phased array system (APERTIF prototype) and demonstrate that the optimal beamformer, the max-SLNR beamformer, the eigenvector beamformer, and the bi-scalar beamformer are sensitivity equivalent but lead to different polarization state solutions, some of which are sub-optimal.