Development of CFETR scenarios with self-consistent core-pedestal coupled simulations

Abstract in English

This paper develops two non-inductive steady state scenarios for larger size configuration of China Fusion Engineering Test Reactor (CFETR) with integrated modeling simulations. A self-consistent core-pedestal coupled workflow for CFETR is developed under integrated modeling framework OMFIT, which allows more accurate evaluation of CFETR performance. The workflow integrates equilibrium code EFIT, transport codes ONETWO and TGYRO, and pedestal code EPED. A fully non-inductive baseline phase I scenario is developed with the workflow, which satisfies the minimum goal of Fusion Nuclear Science Facility. Compared with previous work, which proves the larger size and higher toroidal field CFETR configuration than has the advantages of reducing heating and current drive requirements, lowering divertor and wall power loads, allowing higher bootstrap current fraction and better confinement. A fully non-inductive high-performance phase II scenario is developed, which explores the alpha-particle dominated self-heating regime. Phase II scenario achieves the target of fusion power Pfus>1GW and fusion gain Qfus>20, and it largely reduces auxiliary heating and current drive power. Moreover, the large neutron production of phase II increases the energy generation power and tritium breeding rate.
