Behaviors of two supersymmetry breaking scales in $mathcal{N}=2$ supergravity

Abstract in English

We study the supersymmetry breaking patterns in four-dimensional $mathcal{N}=2$ gauged supergravity. The model contains multiple (Abelian) vector multiplets and a single hypermultiplet which parametrizes SO$(4,1)/{rm{SO}}(4)$ coset. We derive the expressions of two gravitino masses under {it{general}} gaugings and prepotential based on the embedding tensor formalism, and discuss their behaviors in some concrete models. Then we confirm that in a single vector multiplet case, the partial breaking always occurs when the third derivative of the prepotential exists at the vacuum, which is consistent with the result of Ref.~cite{Antoniadis:2018blk}, but we can have several breaking patterns otherwise. The discussion is also generalized to the case of multiple vector multiplets, and we found that the full ($mathcal{N}=0$) breaking occurs even if the third derivative of the prepotential is nontrivial.
