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We report on the design, construction, and performance of a compact magnetic shield that facilitates a controlled, low-noise environment for experiments with ultracold atomic gases. The shield was designed to passively attenuate external slowly-varying magnetic fields while allowing for ample optical access. The geometry, number of layers and choice of materials were optimised using extensive finite-element numerical simulations. The measured performance of the shield is in good agreement with the simulations. From measurements of the spin coherence of an ultracold atomic ensemble we demonstrate a remnant field noise of 2.6 microGauss and a suppression of external dc magnetic fields by more than five orders of magnitude.
We present an electromagnet combining a large number of windings in a constrained volume with efficient cooling. It is based on bulk copper where a small pitch spiral is cut out and impregnated with epoxy, forming an ensemble which is then machined at will to maximize the use of the available volume. Water cooling is achieved in parallel by direct contact between coolant and the copper windings. A pair of such coils produces magnetic fields suitable for exploiting the broad Feshbach resonance of $^6$Li at 832.2 G. It offers a compact and cost-effective solution for quantum gas experiments.
We present a novel approach to precisely synthesize arbitrary polarization states of light with a high modulation bandwidth. Our approach consists of superimposing two laser light fields with the same wavelength, but with opposite circular polarizations, where the phase and the amplitude of each light field are individually controlled. We find that the polarization-synthesized beam reaches a degree of polarization of 99.99%, which is mainly limited by static spatial variations of the polarization state over the beam profile. We also find that the depolarization caused by temporal fluctuations of the polarization state is about 2 orders of magnitude smaller. In a recent work, Robens et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 065302 (2017)] demonstrated an application of the polarization synthesizer to create two independently controllable optical lattices, which trap atoms depending on their internal spin state. We here use ultracold atoms in polarization-synthesized optical lattices to give an independent, in situ demonstration of the performance of the polarization synthesizer.
We investigate the existence of topological phases in a dense two-dimensional atomic lattice gas. The coupling of the atoms to the radiation field gives rise to dissipation and a non-trivial coherent long-range exchange interaction whose form goes beyond a simple power-law. The far-field terms of the potential -- which are particularly relevant for atomic separations comparable to the atomic transition wavelength -- can give rise to energy spectra with one-sided divergences in the Brillouin zone. The long-ranged character of the interactions has another important consequence: it can break of the standard bulk-boundary relation in topological insulators. We show that topological properties such as the transport of an excitation along the edge of the lattice are robust with respect to the presence of lattice defects and dissipation. The latter is of particular relevance as dissipation and coherent interactions are inevitably connected in our setting.
We propose and demonstrate a momentum filter for atomic gas based on a designed Talbot-Lau interferometer. It consists in two identical optical standing wave pulses separated by a delay equal to odd multiples of the half Talbot time. The one dimensional momentum width along the long direction of a cigar shape condensate is rapidly and greatly purified to a minimum, which corresponds to the ground state energy of the confining trap in our experiment. We find good agreement between theoretical analysis and experimental results. The filter is also effective for non-condensed cold atoms and could be applied widely.
We analyze the spin flip loss for ultracold neutrons in magnetic bottles of the type used in experiments aiming at a precise measurement of the neutron lifetime, extending the one-dimensional field model used previously by Steyerl $textit{et al.}$ [Phys.Rev.C $mathbf{86}$, 065501 (2012)] to two dimensions for cylindrical multipole fields. We also develop a general analysis applicable to three dimensions. Here we apply it to multipole fields and to the bowl-type field configuration used for the Los Alamos UCN$tau$ experiment. In all cases considered the spin flip loss calculated exceeds the Majorana estimate by many orders of magnitude but can be suppressed sufficiently by applying a holding field of appropriate magnitude to allow high-precision neutron lifetime measurements, provided other possible sources of systematic error are under control.