Charmed baryon$-$nucleon interaction

Abstract in English

We present a comparative study of the charmed baryon$-$nucleon interaction based on different theoretical approaches. For this purpose, we make use of i) a constituent quark model tuned in the light-flavor baryon$-$baryon interaction and the hadron spectra, ii) existing results in the literature based both on hadronic and quark-level descriptions, iii) (2+1)-flavor lattice QCD results of the HAL QCD Collaboration at unphysical pion masses and their effective field theory extrapolation to the physical pion mass. There is a general qualitative agreement among the different available approaches to the charmed baryon$-$nucleon interaction. Different from hadronic models based on one-boson exchange potentials, quark$-$model based results point to soft interactions without two-body bound states. They also support a negligible channel coupling, due either to tensor forces or to transitions between different physical channels, $Lambda_c N - Sigma_c N$. Short-range gluon and quark-exchange dynamics generate a slightly larger repulsion in the $^1S_0$ than in the $^3S_1$ $Lambda_c N$ partial wave. A similar asymmetry between the attraction in the two $S$ waves of the $Lambda_c N$ interaction also appears in hadronic approaches. A comparative detailed study of Pauli suppressed partial waves, as the $^1S_0 (I=1/2)$ and $^3S_1 (I=3/2)$ $Sigma_c N$ channels, would help to disentangle the short-range dynamics of two-baryon systems containing heavy flavors. The possible existence of charmed hypernuclei is discussed.
