Hyperon I: Partial wave amplitudes for $K^-p$ scattering

Abstract in English

Early data on $K^-$ induced reactions off protons are collected and used in a coupled-channel partial wave analysis (PWA). Data which had been published in the form of Legendre coefficients are included in the PWA. In a {it primary} fit using 3* and 4* resonances only, we observe some significant discrepancies with the data. In a systematic search for new $Lambda$ and $Sigma$ hyperon resonances, additional candidates are found. The significance of the known and of the additional resonances is evaluated. Seventeen resonances listed with 1* or 2* and one resonance listed with 3* in the Review of Particle Properties cannot be confirmed, five new hyperons are suggested. The partial-wave amplitudes deduced in this analysis are compared to those from other analyses.
