Evolution of Kaluza-Klein Like Wet Dark Fluid in $f(R,T)$ Theory of Gravitation

Abstract in English

Here we study the essence of $f(R,T)$ gravitation theory in five dimensional Universe and see the role of dark energy in the form of wet dark fluid in such a Universe. It is found that the dark energy is not exaggerated in contributing to the accelerating expansion of the Universe though the expansion is inherent as a result of the theory itself and due to the geometric contribution of matter. It is interesting to see that in some model it is found that there was some era before the beginning of the present era, and some of the model Universe came out to be either oscillatory or cyclic. Some of the models are seen to go to $Lambda CDM$ models in late future as in Einstein gravitation theory, starting the evolution with a big bang. Most of the models undergo early inflation as well as late time accelerating expansion thus defining as good models for real astrophysical situations, with dark energy playing fundamental role in these Universe.
