Normalized ground states for the fractional nonlinear Schr{o}dinger equations

Abstract in English

In this paper, we study the existence and instability of standing waves with a prescribed $L^2$-norm for the fractional Schr{o}dinger equation begin{equation} ipartial_{t}psi=(-Delta)^{s}psi-f(psi), qquad (0.1)end{equation} where $0<s<1$, $f(psi)=|psi|^{p}psi$ with $frac{4s}{N}<p<frac{4s}{N-2s}$ or $f(psi)=(|x|^{-gamma}ast|psi|^2)psi$ with $2s<gamma<min{N,4s}$. To this end, we look for normalized solutions of the associated stationary equation begin{equation} (-Delta)^s u+omega u-f(u)=0. qquad (0.2) end{equation} Firstly, by constructing a suitable submanifold of a $L^2$-sphere, we prove the existence of a normalized solution for (0.2) with least energy in the $L^2$-sphere, which corresponds to a normalized ground state standing wave of(0.1). Then, we show that each normalized ground state of (0.2) coincides a ground state of (0.2) in the usual sense. Finally, we obtain the sharp threshold of global existence and blow-up for (0.1). Moreover, we can use this sharp threshold to show that all normalized ground state standing waves are strongly unstable by blow-up.
