Difference frequency generation in topological semimetals

Abstract in English

When two lasers are applied to a non-centrosymmetric material, light can be generated at the difference of the incoming frequencies $Deltaomega$, a phenomenon known as difference frequency generation (DFG), well characterized in semiconductors. In this work, we derive a general expression for DFG in metals, which we use to show that the DFG in chiral topological semimetals under circular polarized light is quantized in units of $e^3/h^2$ and independent of material parameters, including the scattering time $tau$, when $Deltaomega gg tau^{-1}$. In this regime, DFG provides a simpler alternative to measure a quantized response in metals compared to previous proposals based on single frequency experiments. Our general derivation unmasks, in addition, a free-carrier contribution to the circular DFG beyond the semiclassical one. This contribution can be written as a Fermi surface integral, features strong frequency dependence, and oscillates with a $pi/2$ shift with respect to the quantized contribution. We make predictions for the circular DFG of chiral and non-chiral materials using generic effective models, and ab-initio calculations for TaAs and RhSi. Our work provides a complete picture of the DFG in the length gauge approach, in the clean, non-interacting limit, and highlights a plausible experiment to measure topologically quantizated photocurrents in metals.
