An alternative to diagrams for the critical O(N) model: dimensions and structure constants to order $1/N^2$

Abstract in English

We apply the methods of modern analytic bootstrap to the critical $O(N)$ model in a $1/N$ expansion. At infinite $N$ the model possesses higher spin symmetry which is weakly broken as we turn on $1/N$. By studying consistency conditions for the correlator of four fundamental fields we derive the CFT-data for all the (broken) currents to order $1/N$, and the CFT-data for the non-singlet currents to order $1/N^2$. To order $1/N$ our results are in perfect agreement with those in the literature. To order $1/N^2$ we reproduce known results for anomalous dimensions and obtain a variety of new results for structure constants, including the global symmetry central charge $C_J$ to this order.
