Impulsive coronal heating from large-scale magnetic rearrangements: from IRIS to SDO/AIA

Abstract in English

The Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) has observed bright spots at the transition region footpoints associated with heating in the overlying loops, as observed by coronal imagers. Some of these brightenings show significant blueshifts in the Si iv line at 1402.77 A (logT[K] = 4.9). Such blueshifts cannot be reproduced by coronal loop models assuming heating by thermal conduction only, but are consistent with electron beam heating, highlighting for the first time the possible importance of non-thermal electrons in the heating of non-flaring active regions. Here we report on the coronal counterparts of these brightenings observed in the hot channels of the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory. We show that the IRIS bright spots are the footpoints of very hot and transient coronal loops which clearly experience strong magnetic interactions and rearrangements, thus confirming the impulsive nature of the heating and providing important constraints for their physical interpretation.
