On the Gamma-ray Nebula of Vela Pulsar. II. the Soft Spectrum of the Extended Radio Nebula

Abstract in English

The Vela,X pulsar wind nebula (PWN) is characterized by the extended radio nebula (ERN) and the central X-ray cocoon. We have interpreted the $gamma$-ray spectral properties of the cocoon in the sibling paper (Bao et al.,2019); here, we account for the broadband photon spectrum of the ERN. Since the diffusive escape of the electrons from the TeV emitting region is expected to play an insignificant role in shaping the spectrum of the ERN, we attribute the GeV cutoff of the ERN to the reverse shock-PWN interaction. Due to the disruption of the reverse shock, most of plasma of the PWN is driven into the ERN. During the subsequent reverberation phase, the ERN could be compressed by a large factor in radius, and the magnetic field in the ERN is thus significantly enhanced, burning off the high energy electrons. We thus obtain the electron spectrum of the ERN and the broadband spectrum of the ERN are explained satisfactorily.
