Three regimes of QCD

Abstract in English

While the QCD Lagrangian as the whole is only chirally symmetric, its electric part has larger chiral-spin SU(2)_{CS} and SU(2N_F) symmetries. This allows separation of the electric and magnetic interactions in a given reference frame. Artificial truncation of the near-zero modes of the Dirac operator results in the emergence of the SU(2)_{CS} and SU(2N_F) symmetries in hadron spectrum. This implies that while the confining electric interaction is distributed among all modes of the Dirac operator, the magnetic interaction is located at least predominantly in the near-zero modes. Given this observation one could anticipate that above the pseudocritical temperature, where the near-zero modes of the Dirac operator are suppressed, QCD is SU(2)_{CS} and SU(2N_F) symmetric, which means absence of deconfinement in this regime. Solution of the N_F=2 QCD on the lattice with a chirally symmetric Dirac operator reveals that indeed in the interval Tc - 3Tc QCD is approximately SU(2)_{CS} and SU(2N_F) symmetric which implies that degrees of freedom are chirally symmetric quarks bound by the chromoelectric field into color-singlet objects without the chromomagnetic effects. This regime is referred to as a Stringy Fluid. At larger temperatures this emergent symmetry smoothly disappears and QCD approaches the Quark-Gluon Plasma regime with quasifree quarks. The Hadron Gas, the Stringy Fluid and the Quark-Gluon Plasma differ by symmetries, degrees of freedom and properties.
