Random product of quasi-periodic cocycles

Abstract in English

Given a finite set of quasi-periodic cocycles the random product of them is defined as the random composition according to some probability measure. We prove that the set of $C^r$, $0leq r leq infty$ (or analytic) $k+1$-tuples of quasi periodic cocycles taking values in $SL_2(mathbb{R})$ such that the random product of them has positive Lyapunov exponent contains a $C^0$ open and $C^r$ dense subset which is formed by $C^0$ continuity point of the Lyapunov exponent For $k+1$-tuples of quasi periodic cocycles taking values in $GL_d(mathbb{R})$ for $d>2$, we prove that if one of them is diagonal, then there exists a $C^r$ dense set of such $k+1$-tuples which has simples Lyapunov spectrum and are $C^0$ continuity point of the Lyapunov exponent.
