Strain-engineering of Berry curvature dipole and valley magnetization in monolayer MoS$_2$

Abstract in English

The Berry curvature dipole is a physical quantity that is expected to allow various quantum geometrical phenomena in a range of solid-state systems. Monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides provide an exceptional platform to modulate and investigate the Berry curvature dipole through strain. Here we theoretically demonstrate and experimentally verify for monolayer MoS$_rm{2}$ the generation of valley orbital magnetization as a response to an in-plane electric field due to the Berry curvature dipole. The measured valley orbital magnetization shows excellent agreement with the calculated Berry curvature dipole which can be controlled by the magnitude and direction of strain. Our results show that the Berry curvature dipole acts as an effective magnetic field in current-carrying systems, providing a novel route to generate magnetization.
