Anisotropic halo assembly bias and redshift-space distortions

Abstract in English

We study the effect of large-scale tidal fields on internal halo properties using a set of N-body simulations. We measure significant cross-correlations between large-scale tidal fields and several non-scalar halo properties: shapes, velocity dispersion, and angular momentum. Selection effects that couple to these non-scalar halo properties can produce anisotropic clustering even in real-space. We investigate the size of this effect and show that it can produce a non-zero quadrupole similar in size to the one generated by linear redshift-space distortions (RSD). Finally, we investigate the clustering properties of halos identified in redshift-space and find enormous deviations from the standard linear RSD model, again caused by anisotropic assembly bias. These effects could contaminate the values of cosmological parameters inferred from the observed redshift-space clustering of galaxies, groups, or 21cm emission from atomic hydrogen, if their selection depends on properties affected by halo assembly bias. We briefly discuss ways in which this effect can be measured in existing and future large-scale structure surveys.
