Possible glass-like random singlet magnetic state in 1T-TaS2

Abstract in English

Two-dimensional layered transition-metal-dichalcogenide compound 1T-TaS2 shows the rare coexistence of charge density wave (CDW) and electron correlation driven Mott transition. In addition, atomic-cluster spins on the triangular lattice of the CDW state of 1T-TaS2 give rise to the possibility of the exotic spin-singlet state in which quantum fluctuations of spins are strong enough to prevent any long range magnetic ordering down to absolute zero ( 0 K). We present here the evidences of a glass-like random singlet magnetic state in 1T-TaS2 at low temperatures through a study of temperature and time dependence of magnetization. Comparing the experimental results with a representative canonical spin-glass system Au(1.8%Mn), we show that this glass-like state is distinctly different from the well established canonical spin-glass state.
