Mass spectra in ${cal N}=1,, SQCD$ with additional colorless but flavored fields

Abstract in English

Considered is the ${cal N}=1$ SQCD-like theory with $SU(N_c)$ colors and $0< N_F<2N_c$ flavors of equal mass $0< m_QllLambda_Q$ quarks. Besides, it includes $N^2_F$ additional colorless but flavored fields $Phi_{i}^{j}$, with the large mass parameter $mu_{Phi}ggLambda_Q$. The mass spectra of this $Phi$-theory are first directly calculated at $0<N_F<N_c$ where the quarks are weakly coupled, in all different vacua with the unbroken or spontaneously broken flavor symmetry $U(N_F)rightarrow U(n_1)times U(n_2)$. Further, the mass spectra of this direct $Phi$-theory and its Seibergs dual variant, the $dPhi$-theory, are calculated at $3N_c/2<N_F<2N_c$ and various values of $mu_{Phi}/Lambda_Qgg 1$ (in strong coupling regimes), using the dynamical scenario introduced by the author in his previous article cite{ch3}. This scenario assumes that quarks can be in two different standard phases only: either this is the HQ (heavy quark) phase where they are confined, or they are higgsed. Within the used dynamical scenario, it is shown that mass spectra of the direct $Phi$ and dual $dPhi$ - theories are parametrically different. Besides it is shown in the direct $Phi$-theory that a qualitatively new phenomenon takes place: under appropriate conditions, the seemingly heavy and dynamically irrelevant fields $Phi$ return back and there appear two additional generations of light $Phi$-particles with small masses $mu^{rm pole}(Phi)llLambda_Q$. Also considered is the $X$-theory which is the ${cal N}=2$ SQCD with $SU(N_c)$ colors and $0< N_F<2N_c$ flavors of light quarks, broken down to ${cal N}=1$ by the large mass parameter of the adjoint scalar superfield $X, , mu_XggLambda_2$. The tight interrelations between these $X$ and $Phi$ theories are described, in particular, the conditions under which they are equivalent.
