Anomalous conductance scaling in strained Weyl semimetals

Abstract in English

Magnetotransport provides key experimental signatures in Weyl semimetals. The longitudinal magnetoresistance is linked to the chiral anomaly and the transversal magnetoresistance to the dominant charge relaxation mechanism. Axial magnetic fields that act with opposite sign on opposite chiralities facilitate new transport experiments that probe the low-energy Weyl nodes. As recently realized, these axial fields can be achieved by straining samples or adding inhomogeneities to them. Here, we identify a robust signature of axial magnetic fields: an anomalous scaling of the conductance in the diffusive ultraquantum regime. In particular, we demonstrate that the longitudinal conductivity in the ultraquantum regime of a disordered Weyl semimetal subjected to an axial magnetic field increases with both the field strength and sample width due to a spatial separation of charge carriers. We contrast axial magnetic with real magnetic fields to clearly distinguish the different behavior of the conductance. Our results rely on numerical tight-binding simulations and are supported by analytical arguments. We argue that the spatial separation of charge carriers can be used for directed currents in microstructured electronic devices.
