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Surface imaging of cool evolved stars in the era of the ELT

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 Added by Markus Wittkowski
 Publication date 2019
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Cool evolved stars are the main source of chemical enrichment of the interstellar medium. Understanding their mass loss offers a unique opportunity to study the cycle of matter. We discuss interferometric studies and their comparison to latest state-of-the-art dynamic model atmospheres. They show broad agreement for asymptotic giant branch stars. For red supergiants, however, current models cannot explain observed extensions by far, pointing to missing physical processes in their models, and uncertainties in our general understanding of mass loss. We present ongoing imaging and time-series observations that may provide the strongest constraint and may help to identify missing dynamic processes. VLTI studies will remain the highest spatial resolution observations at ESO into the ELT era, complemented by ALMA observations. We discuss crucial improvements in both instrumental and operational areas for surface imaging of cool evolved stars in the era of the ELT.

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We discuss and illustrate contributions that optical interferometry has made on our current understanding of cool evolved stars. We include red giant branch (RGB) stars, asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars, and red supergiants (RSGs). Studies using optical interferometry from visual to mid-infrared wavelengths have greatly increased our knowledge of their atmospheres, extended molecular shells, dust formation, and winds. These processes and the morphology of the circumstellar environment are important for the further evolution of these stars toward planetary nebulae (PNe) and core-collapse supernovae (SNe), and for the return of material to the interstellar medium.
130 - Kieran Leschinski 2020
The initial mass function (IMF) is an important, yet enigmatic aspect of the star formation process. The two major open questions regarding the IMF are: is the IMF constant regardless of environment? Is the IMF a universal property of star formation? The next generation of extremely large telescopes will allow us to observe further, fainter and more compact stellar clusters than is possible with current facilities. In these proceeding we present our study looking at just how much will these future observatories improve our knowledge of the IMF.
Context: At the end of their lives AGB stars are prolific producers of dust and gas. The details of this mass-loss process are still not understood very well. Herschel PACS and SPIRE spectra offer a unique way of investigating properties of AGB stars in general and the mass-loss process in particular. Methods: The HIPE software with the latest calibration is used to process the available PACS and SPIRE spectra of 40 evolved stars. The spectra are convolved with the response curves of the PACS and SPIRE bolometers and compared to the fluxes measured in imaging data of these sources. Custom software is used to identify lines in the spectra, and to determine the central wavelengths and line intensities. Standard molecular line databases are used to associate the observed lines. Because of the limited spectral resolution of the spectrometers several known lines are typically potential counterparts to any observed line. To help identifications the relative contributions in line intensity of the potential counterpart lines are listed for three characteristic temperatures based on LTE calculations and assuming optically thin emission. Result: The following data products are released: the reduced spectra, the lines that are measured in the spectra with wavelength, intensity, potential identifications, and the continuum spectra, i.e. the full spectra with all identified lines removed. As simple examples of how this data can be used in future studies we have fitted the continuum spectra with three power laws and find that the few OH/IR stars seem to have significantly steeper slopes than the other oxygen- and carbon-rich objects in the sample. As another example we constructed rotational diagrams for CO and fitted a two-component model to derive rotational temperatures.
Cool, evolved stars are the main source of chemical enrichment of the interstellar medium (ISM), and understanding their mass loss and structure offers a unique opportunity to study the cycle of matter in the Universe. Pulsation, convection, and other dynamic processes in cool evolved stars create an atmosphere where molecules and dust can form, including those necessary to the formation of life (e.g.~Carbon-bearing molecules). Understanding the structure and composition of these stars is thus vital to several aspects of stellar astrophysics, ranging from ISM studies to modeling young galaxies and exoplanet research. Recent modeling efforts and increasingly precise observations now reveal that our understanding of cool stars photospheric, chromospheric, and atmospheric structures is limited by inadequate knowledge of the dynamic and chemical processes at work. Here we outline promising scientific opportunities for the next decade. We identify and discuss the following main opportunities: (1) identify and model the physical processes that must be included in current 1D and 3D atmosphere models of cool, evolved stars; (2) refine our understanding of photospheric, chromospheric, and outer atmospheric regions of cool evolved stars, their properties and parameters, through high-resolution spectroscopic observations, and interferometric observations at high angular resolution; (3) include the neglected role of chromospheric activity in the mass loss process of red giant branch and red super giant stars, and understand the role played by their magnetic fields; (4) identify the important shaping mechanisms for planetary nebulae and their relation with the parent asymptotic giant branch stars.
143 - Heidi Korhonen 2013
The existence of starspots on late-type giant stars in close binary systems, that exhibit rapid rotation due to tidal locking, has been known for more than five decades. Photometric monitoring spanning decades has allowed studying the long-term magnetic activity in these stars revealing complicated activity cycles. The development of observing and analysis techniques that has occurred during the past two decades has also enabled us to study the detailed starspot and magnetic field configurations on these active giants. In the recent years magnetic fields have also been detected on slowly rotating giants and supergiant stars. In this paper I review what is known of the surface magnetism in the cool giant and supergiant stars.
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