Finite Section Method for singular integrals with operator-valued PQC-coefficients and a flip

Abstract in English

We establish necessary and sufficient conditions for the stability of the finite section method for operators belonging to a certain $C^*$-algebra of operators acting on the Hilbert space $l^2_H(mathbb{Z})$ of $H$-valued sequences where $H$ is a given Hilbert space. Identifying $l^2_H(mathbb{Z})$ with the $L^2_H$-space over the unit circle, the $C^*$-algebra in question is the one which contains all singular integral operators with flip and piecewise quasicontinous $mathcal{L}(H)$-valued generating functions on the unit circle. The result is a generalization of an older result where the same problem, but without the flip operator was considered. The stability criterion is obtained via $C^*$-algebra methods and says that a sequence of finite sections is stable if and only if certain operators associated with that sequence (via $^*$-homomorphisms) are invertible.
