BPS Wilson loops in generic conformal N=2 SU(N) SYM theories

Abstract in English

We consider the 1/2 BPS circular Wilson loop in a generic N=2 SU(N) SYM theory with conformal matter content. We study its vacuum expectation value, both at finite $N$ and in the large-N limit, using the interacting matrix model provided by localization results. We single out some families of theories for which the Wilson loop vacuum expectation values approaches the N=4 result in the large-N limit, in agreement with the fact that they possess a simple holographic dual. At finite N and in the generic case, we explicitly compare the matrix model result with the field-theory perturbative expansion up to order g^8 for the terms proportional to the Riemann value zeta(5), finding perfect agreement. Organizing the Feynman diagrams as suggested by the structure of the matrix model turns out to be very convenient for this computation.
