$gamma$-ray Strength Function for Barium Isotopes

Abstract in English

Photoneutron cross sections were measured for $^{137}$Ba and $^{138}$Ba at energies below two-neutron threshold using quasi-monochromatic $gamma$-ray beams produced in laser Compton-scattering at the NewSUBARU synchrotron radiation facility. The photoneutron data are used to constrain the $gamma$-ray strength function on the basis of the Hartree-Fock-Bogolyubov plus quasi-particle random phase approximation using the Gogny D1M interaction. Supplementing the experimentally constrained $gamma$-ray strength function with the zero-limit E1 and M1 contributions which are unique to the deexcitation mode, we discuss radiative neutron capture cross sections relevant to the s-process nucleosynthesis of barium isotopes in the vicinity of the neutron magic number 82.
