Single spin resonance in a van der Waals embedded paramagnetic defect

Abstract in English

Spins constitute a group of quantum objects forming a key resource in modern quantum technology. Two-dimensional (2D) van der Waals materials are of fundamental interest for studying nanoscale magnetic phenomena. However, isolating singular paramagnetic spins in 2D systems is challenging. We report here on a quantum emitting source embedded within hexgonal boron nitride (h-BN) exhibiting optical magnetic resonance (ODMR). We extract an isotropic $g$ factor close to 2 and derive an upper bound for a zero field splitting (ZFS) ($leq$ 4 MHz). Photoluminescence (PL) behavior under temperature cycling using different excitations is presented, assigning probable zero phonon lines (ZPLs) / phonon side band (PSBs) to emission peaks, compatible with h-BNs phonon density of states, indicating their intrinsic nature. Narrow and inhomogeneous broadened ODMR lines differ significantly from monoatomic vacancy defect lines known in literature. We derive a hyperfine coupling of around 10 MHz. Its angular dependence indicates an unpaired electron in an out-of-plane $pi$-orbital, probably originating from an additional substitutional carbon impurity or other low mass atom. We determine the spin relaxation time $T_1$ to be around 17 $mu$s.
