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MASCARA-3b: A hot Jupiter transiting a bright F7 star in an aligned orbit

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 Added by Maria Hjorth
 Publication date 2019
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We report the discovery of MASCARA-3b, a hot Jupiter orbiting its bright (V = 8.33) late F-type host every $5.55149pm 0.00001$ days in an almost circular orbit ($e = 0.050^{+0.020}_{-0.017}$). This is the fourth exoplanet discovered with the Multi-site All-Sky CAmeRA (MASCARA), and the first of these that orbits a late-type star. Follow-up spectroscopic measurements were obtained in and out of transit with the Hertzsprung SONG telescope. Combining the MASCARA photometry and SONG radial velocities reveals a radius and mass of $1.36pm 0.05$ $R_{text{Jup}}$ and $4.2pm 0.2$ $M_{text{Jup}}$. In addition, SONG spectroscopic transit observations were obtained on two separate nights. From analyzing the mean out-of-transit broadening function, we obtain $vsin i_{star} = 20.4pm 0.4$ km s$^{-1}$. In addition, investigating the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect, as observed in the distortion of the stellar lines directly and through velocity anomalies, we find the projected obliquity to be $lambda = 1.2^{+8.2}_{-7.4}$ deg, which is consistent with alignment.

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We report the discovery of MASCARA-1 b, the first exoplanet discovered with the Multi-site All-Sky CAmeRA (MASCARA). It is a hot Jupiter orbiting a bright $m_V=8.3$, rapidly rotating ($vsin i_star > 100~rm{km~s}^{-1}$) A8 star with a period of $2.148780pm8times10^{-6} ~rm{days}$. The planet has a mass and radius of $3.7pm0.9~rm{M}_{rm{Jup}}$ and $1.5pm0.3~rm{R}_{rm{Jup}}$, respectively. As with most hot Jupiters transiting early-type stars we find a misalignment between the planet orbital axis and the stellar spin axis, which may be signature of the formation and migration histories of this family of planets. MASCARA-1 b has a mean density of $1.5pm0.9~rm{g~cm^{-3}}$ and an equilibrium temperature of $2570^{+50}_{-30}~rm{K}$, one of the highest temperatures known for a hot Jupiter to date. The system is reminiscent of WASP-33, but the host star lacks apparent delta-scuti variations, making the planet an ideal target for atmospheric characterization. We expect this to be the first of a series of hot Jupiters transiting bright early-type stars that will be discovered by MASCARA.
294 - D. Bayliss , G. Zhou , K. Penev 2013
We report the discovery by the HATSouth survey of HATS-3b, a transiting extrasolar planet orbiting a V=12.4 F-dwarf star. HATS-3b has a period of P = 3.5479d, mass of Mp = 1.07MJ, and radius of Rp = 1.38RJ. Given the radius of the planet, the brightness of the host star, and the stellar rotational velocity (vsini = 9.0km/s), this system will make an interesting target for future observations to measure the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect and determine its spin-orbit alignment. We detail the low/medium-resolution reconnaissance spectroscopy that we are now using to deal with large numbers of transiting planet candidates produced by the HATSouth survey. We show that this important step in discovering planets produces logg and Teff parameters at a precision suitable for efficient candidate vetting, as well as efficiently identifying stellar mass eclipsing binaries with radial velocity semi-amplitudes as low as 1 km/s.
We report the discovery of KELT-3b, a moderately inflated transiting hot Jupiter with a mass of 1.477 (-0.067, +0.066) M_J, and radius of 1.345 +/- 0.072 R_J, with an orbital period of 2.7033904 +/- 0.000010 days. The host star, KELT-3, is a V=9.8 late F star with M_* = 1.278 (-0.061, +0.063) M_sun, R_* = 1.472 (-0.067, +0.065) R_sun, T_eff = 6306 (-49, +50) K, log(g) = 4.209 (-0.031, +0.033), and [Fe/H] = 0.044 (-0.082, +0.080), and has a likely proper motion companion. KELT-3b is the third transiting exoplanet discovered by the KELT survey, and is orbiting one of the 20 brightest known transiting planet host stars, making it a promising candidate for detailed characterization studies. Although we infer that KELT-3 is significantly evolved, a preliminary analysis of the stellar and orbital evolution of the system suggests that the planet has likely always received a level of incident flux above the empirically-identified threshold for radius inflation suggested by Demory & Seager (2011).
We report the discovery of WASP-189b: an ultra-hot Jupiter in a 2.72-d transiting orbit around the $V = 6.6$ A star WASP-189 (HR 5599). We detected periodic dimmings in the stars lightcurve, first with the WASP-South survey facility then with the TRAPPIST-South telescope. We confirmed that a planet is the cause of those dimmings via line-profile tomography and radial-velocity measurements using the HARPS and CORALIE spectrographs. Those reveal WASP-189b to be an ultra-hot Jupiter ($M_{rm P}$ = 2.13 $pm$ 0.28 $M_{rm Jup}$; $R_{rm P}$ = 1.374 $pm$ 0.082 $R_{rm Jup}$) in a polar orbit ($lambda = 89.3 pm 1.4^circ$; $Psi = 90.0 pm 5.8^circ$) around a rapidly rotating A6IV-V star ($T_{rm eff}$ = 8000 $pm$ 100 K; $v_* sin i_*$ $approx$ 100 km, s$^{-1}$). We calculate a predicted equilibrium temperature of $T_{rm eql}$ = 2641 $pm$ 34 K, assuming zero albedo and efficient redistribution, which is the third hottest for the known exoplanets. WASP-189 is the brightest known host of a transiting hot Jupiter and the third-brightest known host of any transiting exoplanet. We note that of the eight hot-Jupiter systems with $T_{rm eff}$ $>$ 7000 K, seven have strongly misaligned orbits, and two of the three systems with $T_{rm eff}$ $geq$ 8000 K have polar orbits (the third is aligned).
In this paper we present MASCARA-2 b, a hot Jupiter transiting the $m_V=7.6$ A2 star HD 185603. Since early 2015, MASCARA has taken more than 1.6 million flux measurements of the star, corresponding to a total of almost 3000 hours of observations, revealing a periodic dimming in the flux with a depth of $1.3%$. Photometric follow-up observations were performed with the NITES and IAC80 telescopes and spectroscopic measurements were obtained with the Hertzsprung SONG telescope. We find MASCARA-2 b orbits HD 185603 with a period of $3.474119^{+0.000005}_{-0.000006}~rm{days}$ at a distance of $0.057 pm 0.006~rm{AU}$, has a radius of $1.83 pm 0.07~rm{R}_{rm{J}}$ and place a $99%$ upper limit on the mass of $< 17~rm{M}_{rm{J}}$. HD 185603 is a rapidly rotating early-type star with an effective temperature of $8980^{+90}_{-130}~rm{K}$ and a mass and radius of $1.89^{+0.06}_{-0.05}~M_odot$, $1.60 pm 0.06~R_odot$, respectively. Contrary to most other hot Jupiters transiting early-type stars, the projected planet orbital axis and stellar spin axis are found to be aligned with $lambda=0.6 pm 4^circ$. The brightness of the host star and the high equilibrium temperature, $2260 pm 50~rm{K}$, of MASCARA-2 b make it a suitable target for atmospheric studies from the ground and space. Of particular interest is the detection of TiO, which has recently been detected in the similarly hot planets WASP-33 b and WASP-19 b.
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