Average Dark Matter Halo Sparsity Relations as Consistency Check of Mass Estimates in Galaxy Cluster Samples

Abstract in English

The dark matter halo sparsity provides a direct observational proxy of the halo mass profile, characterizing halos in terms of the ratio of masses within radii which enclose two different overdensities. Previous numerical simulation analyses have shown that at a given redshift the halo sparsity carries cosmological information encoded in the halo mass profile. Moreover, its ensemble averaged value can be inferred from prior knowledge of the halo mass function at the overdensities of interest. Here, we present a detailed study of the ensemble average properties of the halo sparsity. In particular, using halo catalogs from high-resolution N-body simulations, we show that its ensemble average value can be estimated from the ratio of the averages of the inverse halo masses as well as the ratio of the averages of the halo masses at the overdensity of interests. This can be relevant for galaxy clusters data analyses. As an example, we have estimated the average sparsity properties of galaxy clusters from the LoCuSS and HIFLUGCS datasets respectively. The results suggest that the expected consistency of the different average sparsity estimates can provide a test of the robustness of mass measurements in galaxy cluster samples.
