Singlet Reservoir Theory of Ambient Tc Granular Superconductivity in Monovalent Metal Nanostructures

Abstract in English

Monovalent metals contain half filled band (HFB) of s-electrons. Emphasizing importance of Coulomb repulsions in HFB in 2D and 1D monovalent systems we sketched a theory (2018) for ambient temperature granular superconductivity reported by Thapa and Pandey (2018) in Au-Ag nanostructures (updated by Thapa et al., 2019). Sharpening our theory, we suggest that textit{Coulomb repulsions in certain structurally perturbed regions (atomic clusters, stacking faults, grain boundaries etc.) create nanoscale reservoirs of singlet electron pairs}. These low dimensional patches are hybridized to a background 3D jellium metal and produce observed ambient Tc granular superconductivity via proximity Josephson effect. Using repulsive Hubbard model we show presence of singlet reservoirs and physics of doped Mott insulators. Needed charge transfer arises from differing electronegativities. Our theory predicts that textit{all elemental monovalent (alkali, Cu, Ag and Au) metals, under suitable structural perturbations, are likely to exhibit ambient temperature superconductivity}.
