Imaging graphene field-effect transistors on diamond using nitrogen-vacancy microscopy

Abstract in English

The application of imaging techniques based on ensembles of nitrogen-vacancy (NV) sensors in diamond to characterise electrical devices has been proposed, but the compatibility of NV sensing with operational gated devices remains largely unexplored. Here we fabricate graphene field-effect transistors (GFETs) directly on the diamond surface and characterise them via NV microscopy. The current density within the gated graphene is reconstructed from NV magnetometry under both mostly p- and n-type doping, but the exact doping level is found to be affected by the measurements. Additionally, we observe a surprisingly large modulation of the electric field at the diamond surface under an applied gate potential, seen in NV photoluminescence and NV electrometry measurements, suggesting a complex electrostatic response of the oxide-graphene-diamond structure. Possible solutions to mitigate these effects are discussed.
