Spatial ergodicity for SPDEs via a Poincare-type inequality

Abstract in English

Consider a parabolic stochastic PDE of the form $partial_t u=frac{1}{2}Delta u + sigma(u)eta$, where $u=u(t,,x)$ for $tge0$ and $xinmathbb{R}^d$, $sigma:mathbb{R}tomathbb{R}$ is Lipschitz continuous and non random, and $eta$ is a centered Gaussian noise that is white in time and colored in space, with a possibly-signed homogeneous spatial correlation function $f$. If, in addition, $u(0)equiv1$, then we prove that, under a mild decay condition on $f$, the process $xmapsto u(t,,x)$ is stationary and ergodic at all times $t>0$. It has been argued that, when coupled with moment estimates, spatial ergodicity of $u$ teaches us about the intermittent nature of the solution to such SPDEs cite{BertiniCancrini1995,KhCBMS}. Our results provide rigorous justification of of such discussions. The proof rests on novel facts about functions of positive type, and on strong localization bounds for comparison of SPDEs.
